Project Open Democracy

Camilo Moncada
4 min readNov 4, 2020



We want our project to be the first free platform to interactively visualize complex data for electoral purposes and designed to facilitate data analysis. Through data we empower citizens, organized groups and parties to be more competitive and make our democracy better.

Our Team

Ricardo Hincapie (Back-End Developer and SysAdmin).
Camilo Moncada (Front-End Developer and Design UI).
Javier Charria (Back-End Developer and AdminDataBase).
Christian Nazareno (Front-End Developer and Map visualization).
Javier Jaramillo (Front-end Developer).

Who your project was created for

This project was created for anything people who are interested in politics, especially for those who need to have statistical data to generate campaign strategies for political parties.

Personal focus

My personal approach was to create a call for the api to get data from the selected candidate, and this process was asynchronous to avoid overloads on the page and also have a fast web page that displays the data

Why i chose this project

i don’t know much about the politic, no is my passion even though i understand that it is a topic important what should have clear because it is a it is a citizen duty. Even if I have no passion for this, always i had want do a tool that help a many people using programming and this topic It seemed like something very challenging for me, since it is a field where there are still no innovative tools, that’s why this project attracted me a lot.

I am a person who likes challenges and to acquire new knowledge in what I develop as a programmer and this project met these two objectives.

About the project

the result the purr project can view in this image, which defines the behavior the behavior of our application:

The technology used in this project are:

  • For the views and interactivity in our webpage: HTML5, CSS3, and Javascript.
  • For the data base used for the database was used mysql.
  • For the connection to database use Python with ORM SQLAlchemy.
  • For the management of the routes i was used flask (microframework the python).
  • finally for the map i was used the library CARTOJS.

Functionality the application

  • Selection a candidate for view information the votes.
  • You can see the votes by place the voting of the selected candidate.
  • You can see the votes by communes of the selected candidate.

Technical challenge

There were many challenges in this project so I cannot choose a specific one but, for me, the challenge technical more hard was join the code the my peers because i understand the code and functionality that each write and we had a very short time to carry out the project.

Understand a library in Little time because the map was very important for the interface, It should look very good and be very easy to understand. The documentation is quite extensive, it is a framework with many alternatives and ways of visualizing.

So it was a bit tiresome to understand how it works at first.


this project still has a lot to grow, it is only the basis of something that can be much more complete and better.

We could use a framework in the frontend to improve the dynamic change of some graphic components of the application, and use a second database, which is unrelated for faster data processing.

This project helped me better understand how to work remotely with a development team, communication is very important to coordinate and plan daily tasks.

It was a project where both front end and back end are involved, so for me it was very productive in search of what I want to be, which is to be a full stack developer

Doing stand ups every day at the end of the day was a very important factor to know the process of each one and help in case there were difficulties and the delivery processes were delayed a bit.

About me

My passion is programming, no matter the language, for me it is very fun because I never stop learning, I also like 3D modeling and developing characters. i am a person positive and always think that i can achieve what I propose to do.

Github the project:

Web Page the project:

Home web Page:

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